acknowledging and remembering your sins is true strength


The playable characters in Tales of Symphonia all receive various titles from special events and occasions. Kratos can obtain all of the following titles:

EVENT: Kratos grows to level forty
DESCRIPTION: He kills all who are in his way. He is beyond beast or man. He can only be called a god.

EVENT: Defeat the advanced single mode with Kratos at the Coliseum
DESCRIPTION: There is no looking back. There is nothing left for losers, so I must fight on.

EVENT: Z-skit "Childhood Memory"
DESCRIPTION: A name I will never be called...and did not seek...until now.

EVENT: Master all recipes and talk to the Wonder Chef at the Altamira Cafeteria with Kratos as the onscreen character
DESCRIPTION: A star of the cooking world with 4,000 years of knowledge in the ancient arts.

EVENT: Kratos temporarily rejoins the party at the Iselia Ranch
DESCRIPTION: He was one of the ancient heroes of yore. But now, he is one of the enemies of the world.

EVENT: Kratos grows to level twenty
DESCRIPTION: His attacks will crush the earth and frighten the evils of this world.

EVENT: N/A; Default title
DESCRIPTION: He travels the world, trusting only his own powers. His skills are for sale--not his loyalty.

EVENT: Perform a combo using three different types of normal attacks and then a level 1, 2 or 3 special attack
DESCRIPTION: Execution of the four combo attack by linking a Special Attack to a normal combo.

EVENT: Iselia Ranch after the Great Seed loses control
DESCRIPTION: A silent warrior who betrayed all trust. No reasons are given to those left behind.

EVENT: Kratos grows to level one hundred
DESCRIPTION: A powerful force in itself. His battle spirit will tear the earth and shake the heavens.

b a c k   .   c l e a r   .   f o r w a r d    Count the Stars and its contents are © Samantha, however Kratos and Tales of Symphonia are © NAMCO. Count the Stars is a part of AFTER-DEATH.ORG.