The playable characters in Tales of Symphonia all receive various titles from special events and occasions. Kratos can obtain all of the following titles:
EVENT: Kratos grows to level forty
DESCRIPTION: He kills all who are in his way. He is beyond beast or man. He can only be called a god.
EVENT: Defeat the advanced single mode with Kratos at the Coliseum
DESCRIPTION: There is no looking back. There is nothing left for losers, so I must fight on.
EVENT: Z-skit "Childhood Memory"
DESCRIPTION: A name I will never be called...and did not seek...until now.
EVENT: Master all recipes and talk to the Wonder Chef at the Altamira Cafeteria with Kratos as the onscreen character
DESCRIPTION: A star of the cooking world with 4,000 years of knowledge in the ancient arts.
EVENT: Kratos temporarily rejoins the party at the Iselia Ranch
DESCRIPTION: He was one of the ancient heroes of yore. But now, he is one of the enemies of the world.
EVENT: Kratos grows to level twenty
DESCRIPTION: His attacks will crush the earth and frighten the evils of this world.
EVENT: N/A; Default title
DESCRIPTION: He travels the world, trusting only his own powers. His skills are for sale--not his loyalty.
EVENT: Perform a combo using three different types of normal attacks and then a level 1, 2 or 3 special attack
DESCRIPTION: Execution of the four combo attack by linking a Special Attack to a normal combo.
EVENT: Iselia Ranch after the Great Seed loses control
DESCRIPTION: A silent warrior who betrayed all trust. No reasons are given to those left behind.
EVENT: Kratos grows to level one hundred
DESCRIPTION: A powerful force in itself. His battle spirit will tear the earth and shake the heavens.
b a c k . c l e a r . f o r w a r d Count the Stars and its contents are © Samantha, however Kratos and Tales of Symphonia are © NAMCO. Count the Stars is a part of AFTER-DEATH.ORG.